Sunday, May 9, 2010

Name change


Hello empty spot of cyberspace.

There may be a slight chance that someone is sitting around and reading this. But I doubt it. There are waaaaay too many errors in this little blog.


I renamed this blog. Namely because I feel as though I am beginning to change my life. I used to be a bored office worker with not a whole lot to look forward to when I returned home from work except for unshaped broadband. But I recently made a decision with regards to the studies that I had always said I would pick up. I am going to do this.

I will be hanging around an internationally recognised university being all intellectual and shit. (oh yes, and shit.)

I just realised I misspelled intellectual. Faark.

I realised how miserable most people are. We are all waiting for that piano to drop on our heads. And I must mention, that the piano? It aint gonna drop unless you rig it up yourself.

I am hoping that writing this blog may be able to help me with my "Debbie Downer" syndrome.

I want to be happy. I want to change my life for the better.

Recent reading

Just finished "Girl with the dragon tattoo."

Written by a genius Swede who had the villian right under my nose and I still couldn't pick them!
Loved that my experience in Sweden from when I was 18 finally kicked in and I actually knew the places they were talking about.

Linkage on Amazon (because I read that if I link to them and not the book depository I can make $)

Now reading: "The happiness project" by Gretchin Rubin

Good stuff so far - only on page 89 though!
The Happiness Project

I just looked up her blog that she started to follow this project through - I haven't had a chance to look at it very much yet, but I think it may have some really useful nuggets of wisdom.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Size 8 shoes

Who else feels my pain?

I have come to the shocking realisation that I am a common shoe size. Whilst I pride myself on being an individual person, my shoe size hinders me.

I was told the other day that for a "little girl" (5"4! 5"4!) I have surprisingly big feet. Now whenever I look at my feet, I feel stupid for wearing flatties as opposed to clown shoes.

Now - I want Tony Bianco shoes. Tony, what do you do if you LOVE your stilettos but have serious feet issues (visiting a physio twice a week) and a short boyfriend? Flat shoes are BORING. Comfortable, but ruddy boring.

How will you help me?

Monday, March 15, 2010

I promised myself I'd be better at this..

Blogging. Sounds typical of gen Y. And yet so-o addictive.

The concept is fabulous. I used to go to school camps, with my journals packed away in my bags. I would hope that that bitch Holty* would find my diary and find out how absoloutely lonely I was. In Greer's fantasy world, this means that she would leave school, and hand me just two, of her dozen strong clique.

Point? oh yes. Its like having a diary that everybody can look at and perhaps take pity on me.

Segway: Pity. Love the idea. Somebody feels sorry for you, and you can jump three spaces. Doe eyes also help (see Michelle Phan)

*Holty - obviously not her real name. Like I needed to tell you!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The start of something great

Or is it?

We all have those grand schemes - I still fantasize about being a Broadway, west end or plain old community theatre star. I am not a triple threat (i sincerely doubt I could be considered a double threat.)

This could be my ticket out of here or...

Just another journal that will be tucked away in a box half finished.

Let us wait and see young friends...


- not even gonna bother.